“생리 때마다 너무 힘들어요” - 생리전 증후군
“생리 때마다 너무 힘들어요” - 생리전 증후군
  • 승인 2013.12.12 09:50
  • 댓글 0
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이상일의 한의원 영어- “English of, for and by 한의사” (30)
안녕하세요! 보람찬 한 주 보내셨죠? 이번 주에는 여성들의 삶의 질을 저하시키는 생리전 증후군에 대해서 다뤄보도록 하겠습니다.

Dr.Lee: Nice to meet you, Esther. What seems to be the problem?
Esther: Nice to meet you, too, doctor. I’ve been suffering from PMS*.
*Premenstrual syndrome : 생리전 증후군

Dr.Lee: That’s what a lot of other women also have. Can you be more specific about your symptoms?

Esther: My symptoms usually start 3~4 days before my period. I suddenly start to crave sweet food like chocolate candies. Also, I become so sensitive and even offensive that my friends call me a bitch. I’m sorry for my choice of words, but it’s true. My emotions are so up and down during this time and I can’t control it.

Dr.Lee: Any other symptoms?

Esther: I get pimples on my face. I hate going out with a dirty-looking face. I tried all sorts of ways to fix it but nothing worked.

Dr.Lee: Well, you’re not one of the worst cases. There are many women out there who have far worse symptoms. So, don’t worry! It’s not very difficult for you to get better.
Esther: Really? What’s your plan?

Dr.Lee: I need to examine you first. (진찰후) You belong to ‘congested-qi’ category. Many office workers belong to this category of ‘congested-qi’, described as following symptoms. Having quite severe menstrual pain, frequent headaches in the temporal region, an irregular menstrual cycle, indigestion, bloated stomach, stuffiness in the chest, or insomnia.

Esther: I’m afraid of needles. Can I just get some medicine instead of acupuncture?

Dr.Lee : Sure you can. I’ll prescribe ‘加味逍遙散’.

Esther: Thanks doctor. Are there any precautions*?
*precaution: 주의사항

Dr.Lee: You should keep away from caffeine, sugar, greasy food and artificial flavor.

Esther: Oh my god. Those are all I like, which I can’t live without a single day!

Dr.Lee: See? They may have contributed to your symptoms. It’s pretty hard to go cold turkey*, I recommend you to taper off** those gradually.
*go cold turkey: 단번에 끊다
**taper off: 점진적으로 줄이다

Esther: All right. Thanks anyway! I’ll try my best.

궁금하신 점이나 건의사항 있으시면 lsi99@hanmail.net 로 컨택해주세요.
Published by Lee, Sang-il
Edited by Anna Joy Toombs & Troy Flowers

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