Four-Constitution Medicine
Four-Constitution Medicine
  • 승인 2014.04.24 11:17
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이상일의 한의원 영어- “English of, for and by 한의사” (39)
Hi, everyone! It’s beautiful out there these days. I hope you can take a break to look outside and enjoy the energy of the spring season. Today, I’m going to talk about the big picture of ‘Four-Constitution Medicine’ Even though, not everyone is interested in this area, many people frequently wonder what their constitutions are. Shall we begin?

“Four-Constitution Medicine” categorizes people into 4 types- greater yang, greater yin, lesser yin and lesser yang. This is a unique traditional Korean therapeutic practice. It was first initiated and introduced by Lee Je-ma, a Confucian of the late Joseon dynasty. His theory explains the differences between the functions and characteristics of the viscera and bowels. A treatment method for the appropriate constitution is presented after deciding the patient’s constitution which is based on his or her appearance, disposition, disease pattern, etc.

1.Lesser yin person
-Appearance: They have relatively small and thin body structure and weak in form. They tend to be weak and seemingly absent in the posture around the chest. Many people of this type walk with their head drooped. They also have big buttocks and are stable in a sitting posture. Light sweating and aversion* to cold food are also their constitutional traits.
*aversion: 싫어함, 혐오
-Disposition*: They are fond of contemplation**, shy and apt not to express his or her opinion in public. Often jealous and unable to reconcile*** but at the same time docile and calm in nature. They are too careful and anxious to start something and they are also introspective and have a weak drive. They like to live in ease and are averse to adventure.
*disposition: the predominant or prevailing tendency of one’s spirits
**contemplation: 깊은 생각, 묵상
***reconcile: 화해, 조정하다
-What’s good and bad: Food that digests well is good and too much sweating is bad.

2. Lesser yang person
-Appearance: They are seemingly imprudent due to quickness of speech and deportment.* They are developed in the part of the chest but lacking in buttocks and seemingly lonely in a sitting posture. People of this type are usually swift of foot due to lightness in the lower part of the body. They are also big in the eyes and cheerful in the voice.
*deportment: behavior
-Disposition: They are cheerful, brisk, open and candid, full of the spirit of chivalry and service but weak in endurance, likely to get tired of everything so that they give up easily. They are good at planning and promotion. Active and confident in everything, they are likely to start a business impulsively.
-What’s good and bad: Bowel movement should be easy but if stools are not discharged, it’s bad.

3.Greater yin person
-Appearance: They are usually tall and fat (could also be thin but have a strong build). They are weak around the neck and big in the hands and feet and also clear-cut in the contour* of the face. They are full-grown in the waist and steady in a standing posture. They tend to sweat a lot and drink cold water.
*contour: 윤곽
-Disposition: They are generally not talkative and active in sports. Because they are steady, calm, careful, thoughtful and strong in a desire for accomplishment, they hardly give up. They are conservative and unlikely to change. They also tend to cling to one’s own.
-What’s good and bad: Sweating is good. No or little sweating is bad.

4.Greater yang person
-Appearance: They are clear-cut in features and not fat. They are big in the head and around the neck. Their upper parts of the chest are well-developed but buttocks are small and the waist is slim. They are instable in a standing posture due to weak legs and often hard to walk or stand long due to a weak lower part of the body.
-Disposition: They are decisive but likely to be dictatorial. They are so bold and manly that always try to move forward, not step back. They are sociable but likely to get angry when things fall short of their expectation. Often self-righteous* and without a clear plan.
*self-righteous: 자기만 옳다하는, 독선적인
-What’s good and bad: Great volume of urine and smooth urination is good. When sputum or foam frequently flows out, it’s bad.

궁금하신 점이나 건의사항 있으시면 로 컨택해주세요.

Published by Lee, Sang-il
Edited by Anna Joy Toombs & Troy Flowers

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